Who We Are

The Upper Mandeville Canyon Association is a voluntary property owners association founded in 1957, representing approximately 300 families in Upper Mandeville Canyon, which is the area north of 2700 Mandeville Canyon Road. The UMCA Board Of Directors meets regularly to monitor and discuss the needs of residents and the helpful assistance we can provide.

The Board is dedicated to:

  • Promoting a neighborly atmosphere
  • Preserving property values
  • Protecting our pristine environment
  • Promoting the canyon community welfare to City Agencies and Elected Officials
  • Preparedness, Safety and Disaster response

New residents are welcomed by UMCA’s Hospitality Committee. Social events like our Annual Barbecue and Fundraiser introduce neighbor to neighbor. The informative Canyon Echoes newsletter is published and distributed several times a year. Timely email blasts and flyers disseminate urgent information.

UMCA’s Current Projects

  • Increase communication and cooperation with neighboring associations.
  • Reduce speeding and promote safe driving, biking and walking on Mandeville Canyon Road.
  • Maintain a Disaster Preparedness Movement to inform and prepare residents for fire, flood and earthquake emergencies.
  • Review City plans for orderly canyon evacuation if necessary.
  • Organize Canyon Response Teams with Block Captains to help neighbors in any widespread emergency. 

UMCA’s Accomplishments

The natural beauty and environment of the Canyon has often been under attack since the UMCA Board was formed more than 50 years ago, in 1957. Since then, the Board has diligently monitored activities in our community and taken an active role in protecting the natural quality of life in the Canyon by working with and, when necessary, opposing municipal authorities and private developers when their actions threaten our natural, rustic environment. UMCA also vigorously supports (often with other area Homeowner Associations) actions which improve and protect our neighborhood and residents. The UMCA's many successes include:

  • Preventing the extension Of Mandeville Canyon Road into the San Fernando Valley.
  • Stopping the planned construction of the “Reseda-To-The-Sea” freeway, which would have spanned Upper Mandeville Canyon.
  • Preventing the development of the “Eastport-Tucker” project, a large residential community planned for the ridges above Upper Mandeville Canyon, north of Mountaingate.
  • Reducing the number of proposed homes in the Mountaingate area.
  • Maintaining Mandeville Canyon Creek, the natural watercourse running the length of the Canyon, for flood control/protection.
  • Stopping the development of the “Boeckmann” project on the western ridge of Mandeville Canyon, which called for a road and tunnel through the hillside to connect the development to the 2600 block of Mandeville Canyon Road.
  • Defeating plans to install multiple speed bumps in the Lower Canyon, which would have delayed emergency response vehicles in the Upper Canyon.
  • Maintaining public access to the Westridge-Canyonback Trail Loop in Santa Monica Mountains.
  • Stopping the transformation of neighboring Sullivan Canyon into a landfill garbage dump.

UMCA Board

  • John Binder, President
  • Jillian Kleiner, Vice President
  • Julia Weinstein, Treasurer
  • Debby Shaw, Secretary
  • Vaughn Minassian, Board Member
  • Stephen Sloan, Board Member
  • Johanna Minassian, Board Member
  • Fred Hill, Board Member
  • Holly Davis, Board Member
  • Tony Brancato, Board Member
  • Edward Tsai, Board Member
Upper Mandeville Canyon Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 49845, Los Angeles, CA 90049.

© Upper Mandeville Canyon Association 2016

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