Fire and Brush
As we currently receive healthy rains, we will see another build-up of fuel as chaparral and weeds grow. It’s a very good idea to keep that growth in check by managing early, before that growth develops into masses of dry tinder this summer. Diligence is the best practice. Brush clearance is a year round responsibility and by code you are required to clear 200 feet of your brush (on your property) from ANY structure even if the structure is on someone else’s property (this applies even if the structure is across the street). Please balance the need for brush clearance with erosion control considerations. It is your responsibility to maintain your property in a manner that is safe. Please do not rely on your gardeners, landscapers or brush clearance companies for knowledge of the code. The Fire Dept. does not require the removal of roots or low groundcover. If you need additional help and you are currently a member of the Association (UMCA), please contact us. We have a rangefinder that can help you identify the 200 foot clearance boundary required. California Fair Plan is also conducting inspections this year. If you have been assessed by California Fair Plan due to a neighboring property and you are a current member of UMCA, please forward a copy of the letter to us and any additional correspondence which has taken place (including the neighboring property’s owner information) and we will try to help you resolve this matter. |
© Upper Mandeville Canyon Association 2016